Hello friend! For the past two months, I have been busy traveling the US on an internship with a brand new non-profit pro-life group. One of my duties during this season has been to speak at anti-abortion vigils. I had the honor of presenting a speech for the cause of the preborn in Washington, D.C., Jackson, MS, and Manhattan, NY. Today I am excited to share that speech with you! Please note this was presented in 2021 and therefore the dates mentioned in this post reflect that. May your heart be moved afresh over the babies' dire plight.
We are at a pivotal moment in the history of America. For many of us who are present here, we are young enough to have never lived in a country free from the violence of abortion. Leading up to the year 1973, pro-abortion activists dehumanized the preborn with euphemisms, inflated abortion statistics, blatantly lied about the reality of fetal and embryonic development, and ultimately proposed that no child in the womb should ever have any human rights—and in response the Supreme Court of the United States failed to defend the tiniest and most vulnerable people group among us, allowing protections for babies to fall and for a new regime of death to ensue.
“Safe, Legal and Rare” roared the pro-abortion activists. Yet their chants ended in infants being forcefully dismembered and thrown into clinic trash heaps; treated as worthless, rejected medical waste, rather than seen as they actually are—valuable human beings from the moment of fertilization. Their beautiful lives began at conception, but our court made the radical move to take away safety for children until they have been born, effectively discriminating against every human person experiencing the germinal, embryonic and fetal stages of human development. What stops this same court from removing the human rights of the neonate, toddler, elementary schooler, adolescent and adult? For only our size, level of development, environment and degree of dependency alter—our humanity never fluctuates with the changes of our development across the human lifespan.
Many women who underwent what they were told would be a safe procedure have been harmed physically and mentally with scarring complications like uterine perforation, infertility, hemorrhage, depression, anxiety, and PTSD, even leading to the identification of a newly observed mental health disorder, Post-Abortion Syndrome—so much for safe.
Pro-abortion mobs rioted for legal abortion—they did not want the intentional harming of children to be a practice society rejects, but rather celebrates openly—the adamant work of abortion supporters may have legalized abortion, but when we look beyond deceptive marketing strategies and hollow euphemisms, we discover what this has truly done is destroy 62,000,000 babies, harm 62,000,000 mothers, and wound 62,000,000 fathers—so much for rare.
Our society is red with blood from all the killing that has occurred since 1973. But in 2021, we fight for our world to change. In 1973, abortion was celebrated and praised, but in 2021 abortion is rightfully mourned and grieved. In 1973, abortion was legalized, but in 2021 we fight for abortion to be illegal once again.
2,363 babies died today in abortion. New little children who will never enjoy safety, but whose hearts have been purposefully caused to beat their last.
The time is of essence in our fight for the preborn, for our Supreme Court is ready to reexamine Roe v. Wade. It is time to see the success of Dobbs v. Jackson, and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. In 1973 came a decree that counted the lives of you and me as valueless until born. But in 2021, we defy abortion—out of love for our unborn neighbors—and proper recognition of their plight.
Will you join us on our quest to grant human rights once again to the smallest people of our society? We must raise our voices now. We must stand up now. And we must dismantle death now—in the name of the 2,363 babies signed up to die tomorrow and every subsequent day that the law of death stands in America. It is time for Roe v. Wade to be overturned.
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